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16 avr. 20194 min de lecture
Why the antidote for multi-cloud complexity is a unified management strategy
Start counting off the benefits of multi-cloud : Avoid vendor lock-in, balance performance and cost, and align your workloads
38 vues
16 avr. 20196 min de lecture
5 times when cloud repatriation makes sense
A growing number of enterprises are pulling selected applications out of the cloud and returning them to their brick-and-mortar data centers
39 vues
18 janv. 20193 min de lecture
Pour un business model Cloud différenciant en terme de sécurité
Dans un futur proche, un fossé pourrait se creuser entre fournisseurs Cloud traditionnels, et ceux ayant miser sur l'innovation.
56 vues
5 janv. 20196 min de lecture
Rethinking disaster recovery for the Cloud
You haven't already revised your DR plan for cloud-based computing, you need do it now to avoid CSPs outages that may affect your business
30 vues
26 nov. 20184 min de lecture
The battle of the health clouds
Large CSPs have launched health clouds to tap into the burgeoning digital health ecosystem. However, the cloud value proposal is not clear
31 vues
7 nov. 20183 min de lecture
Why cloud visibility matters: Gaining insights for performance and compliance
Use these recommendations as a guide for beginning your own cloud monitoring program and for unlock the way users are using sensitive data
27 vues
6 nov. 20184 min de lecture
Public Vs Privé ou Hybride:Le Cloud est sensible à l’usage.
Public, vs Privé ou hybride: Le Cloud computing est sensible aux usages
81 vues
10 oct. 20183 min de lecture
How multi-cloud business models will shape the future
Achieving a consistent security posture, including user authentication and policy controls, is a complex task amplified across multi-cloud
35 vues
21 sept. 20183 min de lecture
Mieux prévoir et contrôler les coûts du Cloud.
Le modèle de tarification du Cloud, n’est ni très clair ni transparent. Il a été conçu pour inciter les entreprises à consommer le plus
70 vues
12 sept. 20183 min de lecture
The Value of Data to platforms ecosystems
SURVEY RESULTS & KEY FINDINGS As you certainly know, Data has surpassed oil as the world's most valuable resource and the enormous amount...
81 vues
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